Christian News Media Digest
“Keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” – Karl Barth
It was the renowned theologian Karl Barth who said that we should keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. He emphasized that we should be grounded in God’s Word but also aware of what is going on in the world around us and interpret it through the Bible. This news digest is a curated selection of Christian news articles, interviews and more that speak to current children-related issues and developments that are relevant to the Church. They provide insights, inform and equip those who are serving in children ministries whether at the global, national or local level.
*All articles are used with permission. Some of the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the WEA Children’s Network.

French Evangelicals Convey Child Protection Concerns to the UN
The French Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity (CPDH) recently submitted two reports on surrogacy and minors’ access to pornography, to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. “In these two new submissions, we ask France to condemn the French sponsors of surrogacy with the

Swedish Health Authorities Call for “Caution” on Gender Transition Care for Minors
The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) recently released an update of its guide to gender dysphoria care for young people. The guide “aims to promote good and equitable care for young people with gender dysphoria”, and warns “for several years now, care has been characterised

Johnita Is One of the Growing Number of Home – School Moms in the US
The school day is coming to an end in a villa outside of the big city of Fort Worth. Luke and Seth are sitting in separate rooms with their textbooks. “I work on poetry,” says Seth, 16. Luke, 13, says

Revive Conference: 2,300 Students Come Together Longing to See Revival in Europe
“I’m more in love with Jesus than I’ve ever been”, says Petra a student from Croatia, after experiencing a personal revival in a retreat called Revive our Hearts on March 22. This was a microcosmos of what is happening this week

90,189 Abortions in Spain in 2021
According to the recently released official data on abortion in Spain, there was an increase in abortions in 2021 compared to the previous year. In total, there were 90,189 abortions, which is 1,920 more than the previous year. The highest number of abortions in Spain was

Why The Christmas Story Is Good News For Children With Additional Needs Too
Whether you are well into the preparations and are already panicking slightly, or are confidently sitting back thinking that you’ve still got loads of time so what is all the fuss about, Christmas is coming! Each sleep is one sleep

Discipleship, an Elephant in the Room
“The Great Commission of Jesus has become a great omission and that is our elephant in the room”. With this premise, an intense day of dialogue began on 26 November in Valencia (Spain) with more than 400 participants serving in

Most Australian Young People Open to Change Their Religious Views
Australian research company McCrindle recently released a study called The Changing Faith Landscape in Australia, which shows that 46% of Australians“identify with Christianity”. Furthermore, 13% defined themselves as unaffiliated believers; 33% of respondents said they were atheists or agnostic; and 6% practised other religions. Regarding the age, “younger Australians

‘Sons & Daughters’: Helping Millennials Discover the Adventure, Purpose Found in God
Millennials. A generation of individuals where everyone gets a trophy. Beyond following in the footsteps of Generation X and preceding Generation Z, this collection of 20- and 30-somethings has been described as the first global generation that grew up in

Christians Urge Changes to Online Safety Bill to Protect Children
Christian campaigners are welcoming the return of the Online Safety Bill to Parliament next month but say that changes must be made to free speech clauses if it is to win broad support from MPs. The legislation proposes introducing age

A New Bible in Spanish for Tweens
The Spanish Bible Society will also launch an audiovisual discipleship project, in addition to exhibitions, presentations in different formats and trainings. The Spanish Bible Society is working on a new translation of the Bible called Lenguaje Básico (Basic Language), targeted to 8-14 year olds.

‘The Chosen’ Creators Share How Series Is Impacting Gen Z: ‘On the Verge of a Revolution’
The cast and crew of “The Chosen” reflected on the universal impact the show is having on viewers, influencing everyone from non-believers to Gen Z with its compelling storytelling, timely storylines and biblical accuracy. “The thing that sets [‘The Chosen’]