
Global Youth Culture is a OneHope research study covering the trends and behaviors of today’s teenagers, the most connected generation. With these findings, we can recognize similarities between young people from different regions of the world. Do teenagers in Africa have similar views on identity as those in Asia? Are religious practices of the next generation in Eurasia and North America trending the same? Global Youth Culture provides a clear picture of these issues and additional diverse topics. Learn more

The aim of the research project is to provide a detailed picture of the lives of highly religious Protestants among youth in Germany, and to investigate what the young people believe and how they live out their faith in everyday life. The existing scientific literature offers answers to these questions but hardly provides any empirical findings. The youth study fills this research gap that we believe is important for the following reasons:
– highly religious Protestant young people play a key role in shaping the future of Christian religiosity.
– this group can be examined as an example what youth-specific forms of Christian religiosity can look like and how they are related to other characteristics of young people.

Research Report Empirica Youth Study 2018 (in German language)