News from the Network
Events, News and Developments from the WEA Constituency

Thousands Joined March For Life in Germany and Switzerland
“Abortion should never be a human right”, one speaker said. Counter-protests organised by far-left groups tried to disrupt the march in both countries. Around 4,500 people joined the March For Life in Berlin on 18 September, the organisers said. In

‘Marriage for All’ Referendum Is About the Rights of Children, Say Swiss Christians
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance opposes sperm donation for lesbian couples: “Children have a right to a father and a mother”. Surveys say a majority would vote ‘yes’ on 26 September. Switzerland holds several referendums every year in which the population of

The Body of Christ in Zambia
Reverend Mark of the Free Methodist Church in Zambia has been ministering to youth in the impoverished community of Msisi over the course of the pandemic. The town of Msisi is characterized by high levels of robbery, alcohol and drug abuse, physical

EEA Statement on Violence against Women and Girls
In May 2021, Europe marked the 10th anniversary of the signing of the so-called Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence. The vast majority of people will support the Istanbul

Rallying around a Global Church Pledge to See Children Thrive in Families
Around the world, COVID-19 has pushed more families into crisis, leaving children vulnerable to separation from their family. At the same time, pressure on national governments to reform the way they care for vulnerable children—from institutions to care within a

In Haiti, “For Most Children, School Means Food”
The pandemic was the latest in a long list of crises for Haitians, who are particularly worried about hunger and insecurity. According to the latest update of report on the Caribbean country of the Foreign Affairs Ministry os Spain, dated March

Vulnerable Children Need Even More Support After Pandemic
Compassion UK is appealing for more support for children and families living with hunger and malnutrition in the world’s poorest communities. The call coincides with World Hunger Day on Friday and follows a recent report from the UN World Food

Uganda Without Orphans
As the COVID pandemic continues, it has become overwhelmingly clear that the mental health of both adults and children has been deeply affected because of income loss, school closures, government lockdowns and isolation. The team at Uganda Without Orphans learned of

EAUK Speaks Up on the Challenges Around Conversion Therapy
Why is the Evangelical Alliance opposing proposals to end conversion therapy?The Government’s 2018 LGBT Action Plan set out its intention to end conversion therapy in the UK. Proposals on how the Government will do this are now imminent. In the

World Vision Reaches 59 Million with Aid as Charity’s COVID-19 Response Was Its Largest Ever
As more than a year has passed since the coronavirus pandemic was declared, leading evangelical aid organization World Vision partnered with tens of thousands of faith leaders and communities worldwide to reach 59 million people through relief and virus prevention

Family Unity: A Christian Alternative to Orphanages
Earlier this week I read Elli Oswald’s insightful piece on the prevalence of sexual abuse in orphanages. Her writing was spurred by the horrific news that an American missionary had been convicted of sexually abusing children at an orphanage in Kenya.

Finding Family in Ukraine
Neglect, family separation, institutional living, failed reunification, foster care. Victor, Lev and Christina have walked a difficult road over the course of their young lives. The Ukrainian siblings were placed in an orphanage in 2019 as a result of their