Christian News Media Digest
“Keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” – Karl Barth
It was the renowned theologian Karl Barth who said that we should keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. He emphasized that we should be grounded in God’s Word but also aware of what is going on in the world around us and interpret it through the Bible. This news digest is a curated selection of Christian news articles, interviews and more that speak to current children-related issues and developments that are relevant to the Church. They provide insights, inform and equip those who are serving in children ministries whether at the global, national or local level.
*All articles are used with permission. Some of the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the WEA Children’s Network.

International Day of the Girl Child: Empower Girls Worldwide to Overcome Gender Inequality
In a world filled with challenges, there is one day that serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of supporting and empowering girls globally — the United Nations International Day of the Girl Child. This day, commemorated on October

The ‘Big Picture’ Of Additional Needs Ministry
When thinking about how to support children and young people with additional needs, it is important that we first understand and acknowledge what we mean by that; what are additional needs, and what are the experiences of children and young

Experts in Spain to Address “the Hidden Reality” of Child Trafficking
Six panelists from different fields will analyse the issue in an online forum organised ahead of the film ‘Sound of Freedom’ premiere. The release of Sound of Freedom at the Spanish box office on 11 October is sparking interest in the issue of human

5 Stages of Abuse: Teach Your Teens to Avoid Toxic Relationships
In conservative Christianity, it is quite common for teens to be advised about dating and relationships. But at the very minimum, one in three girls and one in six boys will still eventually experience a traumatic, abusive relationship that includes

Christianity’s Decline Likely Due to Collapse of Marriage, Fatherhood: Survey
Churches must work to restore healthy marriages and fatherhood to combat a growing decline in Christianity, according to a survey released by a faith-based group. J.P. De Gance is the founder and president of Communio, a nonprofit that equips churches to

130 Years of Girls’ Empowerment: the History of the Girls’ Brigade
A journey through the Girls’ Brigade physical archives is a journey through time. It’s a small room tucked away at headquarters, and could be mistaken for a storage cupboard filled with donations from previous members and volunteers. But if you

Kevin Sorbo Writes New Children’s Book to Expose Dangers of ‘Woke Gender Confusion’
Christian actor and producer Kevin Sorbo has released a new faith-based children’s book that he wrote to expose the dangers of “woke” ideology and its agenda that’s blurring the lines of God’s creation and what it means to be male

‘Paw Patrol’ Children’s Cartoon Spinoff Debuts Non-Binary Character
The popular cartoon series “Paw Patrol” introduced a new “non-binary” character on one of its spinoff shows, making it one of several series to push LGBT storylines in children’s programming. A writer on the children’s TV series “Rubble & Crew,”

Going Beyond Inclusion
When thinking about working with children and young people with additional needs and disabilities, churches typically find themselves at one of three waypoints on the journey; accessibility, inclusion, or belonging. But what do each of these waypoints look like, and

‘Sound of Freedom’ Finally Arrives in European Cinemas
The film on child trafficking began to be screened in a dozen of Eastern European countries in August. In the UK, it was the fourth most seen movie the first weekend. In the year of Barbie and Oppenheimer, another film is

3 Main Defenses Against Child Abuse
The movie “Sound of Freedom” struck a chord with American audiences this summer — and not necessarily a comfortable one. The movie discusses a horrifying concept: child trafficking. But human trafficking is only one form of child sexual abuse. Taken

Child Evangelism Fellowship Seeks to Reach 100M Children with the Gospel, Urges Christians to Mobilize
When it comes to missions, Child Evangelism Fellowship believes one of the most important — and overlooked — groups is children. “One of the most beautiful passages in the Bible that reflects the heart of God is concerning children,” CEF Executive Vice