Christian News Media Digest
“Keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” – Karl Barth
It was the renowned theologian Karl Barth who said that we should keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. He emphasized that we should be grounded in God’s Word but also aware of what is going on in the world around us and interpret it through the Bible. This news digest is a curated selection of Christian news articles, interviews and more that speak to current children-related issues and developments that are relevant to the Church. They provide insights, inform and equip those who are serving in children ministries whether at the global, national or local level.
*All articles are used with permission. Some of the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the WEA Children’s Network.

Christian Mayoral Candidate Fired by Employer for Publicizing Views on Marriage
Case believed to be ‘first of its kind’, watchdog group says. A Christian woman running for mayor of a London borough has taken legal action against her former employer, claiming she was fired for expressing her views on marriage as

How Is Christianity Portrayed in Swedish School Textbooks? Report Finds “Inaccuracies and Lack of Objectivity”
A 60-page report of the Christian think tank Clapham Institutet examined religion and science school materials. Researcher Per Ewert hopes publishers and experts will revise the curricula for next year. The textbooks for primary and secondary schools in Sweden portray the Christian faith in

Want to Raise Strong, Confident Girls?
My pre-teen daughter climbed into our car one night at the end of this school year and burst into tears. She had been struggling with some friendships. On that drive back from Wednesday night church, she just finally broke down

Over 900 Babies Born Through Christian Agency’s Embryo Adoption Program
A Christian adoption agency’s embryo adoption program has led to the birth of hundreds of babies as the practice of embryo adoption and donation remains a contentious issue, even among Christians. According to the Snowflakes embryo adoption program, a division of

Veteran-Owned Business Announces It Will Cover Employees’ Parental Leave, Adoption Costs
After corporations across the nation announced they would cover employees’ travel expenses to get abortions in other states following the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, a veteran-owned business in Texas has responded by offering to pay for employees’

Countries at London Ministerial Denounce Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls
Countries attending the UK government’s Ministerial on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) in London have denounced sexual and gender-based violence against minority women and girls. The statement on gender equality was signed by the representatives of 18 countries, including the UK.

‘Fearlessly Femme’ LGBT Version of Spider-Man Set to Make Debut This Fall
New ‘Spider-Verse’ character to have ‘fearlessly femme identity’ Another comic book icon is “going gay.” Marvel Entertainment is set to introduce a flamboyant version of Spider-Man in its September issue of Edge of Spider-Verse #5. Designed by Kris Anka, the alternate universe

Youth For Christ Ministry Points Incarcerated Youth, Young Dads to God as the Ultimate ‘Good Father’
While dads across the country are set to celebrate Father’s Day with their families, many of them will mark the holiday in a detention facility. An estimated 684,500 state and federal prisoners were parents of at least one minor child

Sight & Sound’s ‘David’ Showcases a King’s Sincere Heart to Pursue God
LANCASTER, Pa. — Four years in the making, the production “David” opened at Sight & Sound Theatres this year and explores the journey of an unassuming shepherd boy who became a king. Based on the biblical account of David, who

Pastor, Author Andy McQuitty Journals ‘Moral Education’ of His Own Kids in New Book
Thirty years ago, Andy McQuitty, who pastors the Texas megachurch Irving Bible Church, started writing down parental words of wisdom in five separate journals — one for each of his five children. Covering topics such as relationships, faith, discipline, work

Parents’ Group Warns Netflix Series ‘Human Resources’ Features ‘Sexualizing References to Children’
A media watchdog group is warning parents about a new animated series on Netflix from the creators of the controversial “Big Mouth” series over what it describes as pornographic content. A report from the Parents Television and Media Council (PTC) says while

A Response to Some of the Familiar Arguments in Favour of Abortion
While my observations on the overturning of the Roe v Wade 1973 Supreme Court ruling generated many supportive comments, they also triggered some unpleasant and ill-tempered replies. I was blamed for what I said, what I didn’t say and, surprisingly, what people