News from the Network
Events, News and Developments from the WEA Constituency

Child Marriage and the Race to Stop ‘I Do’
Up to 10 million more girls will be at risk of child marriage over the next decade because of the COVID-19 pandemic. To raise awareness, four teenage girls from different countries dressed in bridal finery in a staged wedding to

Hungary and Romania: Churches Fully Engaged in Welcoming Refugees
“Church members and friends have opened their houses, we cook for them, take care of the medicines, organise their trips”, says a Christian worker in Hungary. In Romania, “churches work together to be more efficient”. A huge wave of solidarity

Local Churches and Organisations Are Ideally Placed to Ensure That Children Who Have Lost a Caregiver to COVID-19 Receive the Support They Need
Thirteen-year-old Reena lives in Ranchi, India, with her loving mother and two younger siblings. She goes to a private school and hopes to pursue a career as a teacher when she is older. Tragically, this future now seems less attainable

AEA Hosts WWO’s Chief Strategic Officer, Capt. Dr. Susan Hillis in a Strategic Meeting on Collaborative Efforts with AEA’s EFOC Desk
AEA was pleased to host the Chief Strategic Officer at World Without Orphans (WWO), Capt. Dr. Susan Hillis during her visit to Kenya from 1st to 8th March 2022. Dr. Hillis was scheduled to facilitate a World Without Orphans Roadmap training held

Early Orphanhood, the Other Impact of the Pandemic
Some pediatric researchers estimate that 5 million minors have lost a parent or caregiver due to Covid-19. “The impact on a psychological level is very strong”, explains a Christian psychologist. The coronavirus pandemic has caused more than 5.8 million deaths worldwide, according

The Miracle in Albania: Christian School in the Land of the Eagles
Albania might become a success story of Christian mission using schools as a tool to build a church strong enough to support itself and work for the kingdom of God. 1. Albania – the land of the eagles The small

Swiss Evangelicals Launch a Campaign to Fight Children Poverty
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance invites churches “to dedicate a Sunday service to reflect on children in need”, under the theme ‘To leave no child behind’. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA), along with Christian associations Morija and Compassion, the Braille Evangelical Mission and

“It Is Tragic That Students Who Leave the Educational System Now, Never Return”
Alianza Solidaria seeks to launch a digital classroom project to stop school dropouts among children from Latin American vulnerable families. One of the areas in which it is most evident that the pandemic has not affected all continents in the same way is

Alianza Evangélica Latina Launches New Commission to Respond to Unique Needs and Opportunities of Children
At their recent General Assembly, the Alianza Evangélica Latina (Latin Evangelical Alliance, AEL) decided to launch a children’s commission to respond to the unique needs and opportunities of children. World Evangelical Alliance Children’s Network Coordinator Rev Dr Rebecca Goropevsek joined

Spanish Evangelical Alliance on Surrogacy: “It Exploits and Commodifies Women”
“Surrogacy should not be authorised or legalised”, says the evangelical entity, which denounces that “it attacks women and children human rights”. The Bioethics Working Group of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance (AEE) has published a document analysing the issue of surrogacy. The text,

Finding Family in Paraguay
Little *Sofia was born in Paraguay almost a year ago and in her short life has already known three mothers: Her birth mother, who has struggled with addiction and yet still loves little Sofia. Her foster mom, who opened her

Migrants, Refugees, and Us – A Call to Action
Refugees make headlines regularly. Yet this news tends to vanish quickly. However, the human tragedy is ongoing. It is not and will not vanish in the near future. This is one of the reasons the EU is debating a new