News from the Network
Events, News and Developments from the WEA Constituency

God’s Heart for Children Webinar Series
We are excited to announce a special six-part webinar series on the theme of God’s Heart for Children taking place throughout 2023. Each session will unpack themes from the recently published book of the same name, with the aim of

Extending God’s Word Into All Places
When the coronavirus pandemic first broke out, the Japanese government ordered that all schools throughout Japan be closed. High school students had no choice but to study in isolation. Alone at home, they had to write daily reports. School events

Providing ‘Ibasho’ and ‘Tamariba’ for Japanese Christian Youth
The apparent weakening of Christianity in Japan is often attributed to the declining presence of young people in many local churches. Churches without youth groups are increasingly common. If this trend continues, many Japanese churches will cease to exist in

The Church’s View on Abortion and Marriage Transformed Europe
The first surviving Christian writing outside the New Testament, Didache, already makes a statement against abortion, infanticide and paedophilia. We have all heard about the “abdominal” issues. The issues that are considered too much for the Church to deal with and that

Drags for Children, Controversial Sex Education: Spanish Evangelical Alliance Calls to Speak Up Against “Ideological Agenda”
The evangelical organisation says local and national authorities undermine the foundations of the family, erode the authority of parents, and divert children from an “adequate sexual education”. The Spanish Evangelical Alliance (AEE) has reflected in a statement on the sexual

Hope for Europe 2022: New Insights on How European Churches Are Responding to Today’s Issues
From October 4-8, 2022, I participated in the Hope for Europe 2022 event in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Organized by the European Evangelical Alliance and focusing on the EEA’s 17 thematic networks, it drew together some 280 evangelical leaders from across the

Reaching Europe’s Children Network Provides a White Paper Text in the Preparation for Hope for Europe 2022
As Hope for Europe 2022 gathering that is planned to be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on October 4-8 approaches, REC Network prepared an informational text that seeks to provide valuable insights into the network’s vision, plans and current

Evangelicals Call Abortion Activists to Exercise “Tolerance and Respect”
In recent Marches For Life, Christian organisations have suffered attacks and threats. The Evangelical Alliance says the “democratic heritage of Switzerland” must be protected. Swiss pro-lifers hold their annual March For Life on 17 September, and the pressure by pro-abortion

European Evangelicals Issue a Guide to Pray with Children in Times of War
The European and World Evangelical Alliances also release a joint statement, suggesting several reasons to pray on Ukraine’s independence day. On 24 August Ukraine will celebrate its Independence Day, which this year marks 6 months of war in the country after the

The Asian Church + Home : Restoring Health and Discipleship
‘My eyes have been opened to so many truths I was unaware of.’ ‘D6 conference is really a Bible based conference, which helps us to focus on our family.’ ‘D6 has just confirmed what’s in my heart, intentional discipleship where

Towards a Global Theology of Children
Nativity Petallar, editor and contributor of God’s Heart for Children, explains the motivations behind this new book and the major differences with its predecessor. God’s Heart for Children: Practical Theology from Global Perspectives is a sequel to the former Understanding God’s Heart for Children: Toward a

They Are So Sad Because They Have No Friends
“The majority of refugee aid in Poland is provided by churches. If they weren’t so committed to, the aid would have collapsed long ago”, a pastor says. An article by Johannes Reimer and Manuel Böhm. The flag says everything At