Having served in Children’s Ministry and in local and international partnering initiatives, the vision for writing The Generational Awakening book took form while completing a Masters in Missiology at Redcliffe College UK in 2019.
More than ever, the global Church is experiencing a discipleship crisis where as few as 10% of youth in our Christian families and churches are considered as having a clear and “resilient” faith, and increasing numbers are leaving the church (Faith for Exiles: David Kinnamann and Mark Matlock, Baker Books, 2019). Many parents and church leaders are left feeling devastated, defeated, and discouraged by this reality.
What is your dream for your family and church? How do you see things going at present? Are you seeing your youth as confident, engaged in their faith, and serving in the community? Are they sharing their faith and helping disciple others?
It is increasingly recognised that there is a crisis in family discipleship and an urgent need to make this a top priority in the Church at every level. This is what God commanded of each Jewish family and the whole community (Deuteronomy 6:7-9) (Psalm 78:3-8), and what the Apostle Paul affirmed to the Church (Ephesians 6:1-4). We need an awakening by God of all the generations in the Church today to see things from God’s perspective and discover how to more effectively nurture our children in the faith.

The Generational Awakening book is to be published DV in 2023 aiming to encourage, equip and empower pastors, parents, and practitioners as we lead our families and churches to intentionally and proactively raise a generation of resilient, lifelong disciples of Jesus.
The book outlines a vision and strategy to achieve this; introducing fresh biblical insights, fruitful models in 21st century cultures, practical resources and opportunities for missional families and churches to engage in local and global community transformation initiatives. Additional content is provided for those responsible for equipping tomorrow’s Christian leaders in bible colleges and theological seminaries. The global church has never been so strategically well positioned and resourced to accomplish this together in what I believe could be the greatest season of revival in history.
The Generational Awakening YouTube Channel has 3 main categories of videos: Interviews, Top Resources and Top Events also arranged in 12 thematic Playlists which include:
Children’s Ministry, Family Ministry, Youth Ministry, Bible, Prayer, Evangelism & Discipleship, Apologetics, Church Growth, Leadership, Education, Theology and Movies.
New content is being added each week.

4 Ways You Could Help
- Pray for the completion and launch of the book.
- For strategic partnerships around the sharing and diffusion of the content.
- For the translation into other languages.
- For the financial means to cover all the publication, development, and ministry costs.
- Register for info and a free book access once published https://thegenerationalawakening.com/
- Share content on the YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@thegenerationalawakening777
- Join the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/thegenerationalawakening
- Share links to interviews and resources on your social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc).
- Share with Christian leaders, teachers and children’s, youth and family ministry practitioners.
- Integrate links into your church and/or ministry website.
- Enjoy the training and resources in your family, church, school, organisation, and ministry.
- “Subscribe”, “like” and click the notification bell on the YouTube Channel.
- Post a comment and/or question on each YouTube video page and it will be ranked higher and proposed to more people.
- Post a comment, question or “like” on the Facebook page once or twice a week.
- Enjoy searching for and sharing with me any great resources or initiatives you know or discover at [email protected].
Pay it Forward
- Donate: publication of the book, website and videos are entirely dependent on gifts and generosity. This can be done at https://thegenerationalawakening.com/donate/
- A significant one-off gift will help with immediate publishing, recording and translation costs.
- A regular monthly gift, however small, will help with regular ongoing development and hosting expenses.
- Become a Foundational Seed-Funder Church Partner and obtain bonus trainings and support https://thegenerationalawakening.com/foundational-seed-funder/
Thank you for your participating and partnering in any one or all the above ways.
Let’s multiply God’s blessing and together intentionally and proactively raise our children and every new generation as resilient, lifelong disciples of Jesus.

Harry Bryans
Action International Ministries
EEA Children’s Ministry Associate
EQUIP Facilitator
Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member