Migrants, Refugees, and Us – A Call to Action

Refugees make headlines regularly. Yet this news tends to vanish quickly. However, the human tragedy is ongoing. It is not and will not vanish in the near future. This is one of the reasons the EU is debating a new Migration Pact. But refugees are not just impacting the EU. They are a European task.

As EEA we believe as Evangelical Alliance that we cannot just look the other way. We are called to prayerfully consider our options and keep being involved with the vulnerable as the bible always lists the stranger together with the widow and the orphan.

Just to remind us:

2021. It is six years on from the launch of the European Evangelical Alliance’s Refugee Campaign.

2021. This year, European Union member states are supposed to have agreed a new migration and asylum pact to enable better, fairer, more efficient collaboration to handle the migrants, asylum seekers and refugees who come to the EU. The migration pact is a long way from being concluded.

2021. Already, more than a 1000 people have drowned in their attempt to cross the Mediterranean with the hope of building a new life in Europe.

2021. The political, social and economic catastrophe in Afghanistan is likely to lead to hundreds of thousands of Afghans fleeing the nation.

For all of these reasons and more, EEA has decided to issue a new Call to Action on migration.

  • Urging governments to remember humanitarian values (most based on the bible),
  • Calling Christians to pray and to speak up,
  • Thanking its members for all their efforts to care for migrants and refugees and to persevere.

Please find the statement “Migrants, Refugees and Us” here.

We hope you will spread the text and respond in prayer and action.

You can also find EEA’s refugee resource portal here.

Let us pray and work that we will be found as the ones who have cared for the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the prisoner (Matthew 25)

The article was originally posted at European Evangelical Alliance

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